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Specialty Vehicle Appraisal Institute


Asset Risk Management

  • 403 498 5687

  • 1808 4 Ave SE, High River, Alberta, T1V1Y2, Canada

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Blair Ensimiger - In-Depth Appraisals to Lower Risk On Purchase, Disposal and Reconditioning of Assets.

We are an ASSET RISK MANAGEMENT (A.R.M.) Company that does in-depth appraisals to allow clients to understand and lower the risk on purchase, disposal and reconditioning of assets. By increasing knowledge through historical and current assessments risks are reduced, improving the opportunity to avoid losses in asset values.

The A.R.M. team does a complete accredited appraisal and analysis of values, with a comprehensive Condition Report, on all types of assets. We can also do a market cost projection on future values to help set residuals.

A.R.M. services are used by multiple financial institutions , insurance companies, bailiffs and the public to make knowledgeable decisions on their asset values and conditions. A.R.M. supplies our clients with the necessary facts, enabling well informed financial decisions.

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