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Specialty Vehicle Appraisal Institute


Hunter's Classic Appraisals

  • 780-933-4452

  • 780-933-4452

  • 11701-101th Ave., Grande Prairie, Alberta, T8V 3X9, Canada

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Don Hunter: I have been in the automotive industry for 35 years and counting.  This includes all aspects of an Automotive Dealership. This is from fixed operations,  both retail and wholesale sales for new and used vehicles. For seventeen years I am having the pleasure of being one of the top Fleet Mangers within General Motors at a dealership level for all of Canada. I have in the past also been a Sales Manager for both New and Used Vehicles and a General Sales Manager of a franchise dealership. I do utilize on a daily bases Fleet Companies both in Canada and the United States.

While living on the west coast of Canada for thirteen years, still in the automotive industry: I was able to expand my skill set on building kit cars of various models for retail. Living within the lower mainland gave me the opportunity to visit several car shows and auctions on a yearly basis.

Currently I do keep up with several different automotive auctions that I do post on my Facebook site occasionally.  I am a collector of automotive history. This is in a form of mainly books, manuals and brochures. I strongly believe this must be preserved and passed on to future generations. I am full licenced through AMVIC and an accredited member in good standing with SVAI.

Hunter’s Classic Appraisals provides appraisal services to banks, insurance agents and private clients for the purpose of insurance coverage, estate matters, domestic settlements and financing purposes.

Thank you for allowing us to be of assistance to you and we look forward to the opportunity of working with you in the future.

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